Note: This guide assumes that you have at least two functioning brain cells and basic knowledge of Linux. We're going to use Debian 11 in this guide. If you're using a different distro or operating system, you're on your own.
All terminal commands should be run as root. If you're not root, execute sudo -i
and input your password and you should be there. Again, if you're using doas
instead, you're on your own (and probably already know what you're doing).
Install Tor.
apt install tor
Edit /etc/tor/torrc to allow connections to and from the hidden service.
nano -$ /etc/tor/torrc
Go to the lines that say:
#HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
#HiddenServicePort 80
Uncomment them by deleting the #
mark in front of each line.
If you want, you can change the HiddenServiceDir
directory, but you will need to remember it for later. (You will need to do this if you want multiple Tor hidden services.) For security purposes, keep the new directory inside of /var/lib/tor/
Save and exit the text editor, then restart the Tor process.
systemctl restart tor@default
Now get the address of your new service. (If you picked a different HiddenServiceDir
, now is the time to remember it.)
cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname
Whatever comes up is your address for when you set up your web server.
Which web server do you want to use?
Install Yggdrasil.
apt install dirmngr -y
gpg --fetch-keys*****
gpg --export 569130E8CA20FBC4CB3FDE555898470A764B32C9 | sudo apt-key add -
echo 'deb***** debian yggdrasil' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yggdrasil.list
apt update; apt install yggdrasil -y
Now start Yggdrasil to get its IP address.
systemctl start yggdrasil; systemctl enable yggdrasil
journalctl -xe -u yggdrasil
There will be a line near the bottom that says "Your IPv6 address is". This is your address for when you set up your web server.
Press Control and C together to exit journalctl
Configure some peers.
Open this page in a new tab in your browser, and open your Yggdrasil configuration on your server:
nano -$ /etc/yggdrasil.conf
At the top of the configuration file will be a section that looks like this:
Peers: []
Pick some peers from the list and add them to that section of the file (one per line) so it now looks something like this:
Peers: [ t*****:// t*****:// t*****:// tls:// tls:// ]
Save and exit the text editor, then restart the Yggdrasil process.
systemctl restart yggdrasil
Which web server do you want to use?
Install I2Pd.
apt install i2pd lynx -y
Edit I2Pd's configuration file to allow connections to and from the hidden service.
nano -$ /var/lib/i2pd/tunnels.conf
Go to the end of the file and add:
[mycooleepsite] type = http host = port = 80 keys = mycooleepsite.dat
Restart I2Pd.
systemctl restart i2pd
Find out your new eepsite's hash.
Go to the "I2P Tunnels" page. (In Lynx, press the down arrow until "I2P Tunnels" is highlighted, and then press the enter key.)
In the "Server Tunnels" section, there should be a string that looks something like VERYLONGHASH.b32.i2p
. The whole thing (including the .b32.i2p
) is your address for when you set up your web server.
Which web server do you want to use?
Install Caddy.
echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-fury.list
apt update; apt install caddy -y
Edit the Caddyfile to serve the site.
nano -$ /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
Paste the following in:
https://address { root * /your/website/file/path/here file_server encode gzip bind }
"address" should be the, well, address of your new site, given in the last step of its section. (Yggdrasil IPv6 addresses should be enclosed in brackets.)
should be the actual path to your website's files.
will (hopefully) prevent the easiest of deanonymization attacks. (Delete this line for Yggdrasil services.) Let's Decentralize is not responsible for your personal safety, and it is up to you to harden your server's security further.
Now restart Caddy to apply your changes.
systemctl restart caddy
made with <3 by your friends at Dead End Shrine Online
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 © Lethe Beltane